Etruscan Lodge 546

Welcome to the website of Etruscan Lodge, No 546 in the register of the Grand Lodge of England.

The Etruscan Lodge is a lodge of Freemasons who meet at Hanley Masonic Hall, Snow Hill Shelton, Stoke on Trent ST1 4NA in the Masonic province of Staffordshire. We meet eight times a year on the second Friday of each month October through to May.

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Masonic guests are welcome at all of our meetings, please contact us should you wish to attend.

Interested in becoming a member?  Please contact our Secretary -

To learn more about the origins of our name, our lodge history and our charitable fund raising please use the menu on the left of this page.


Etruscan Lodge 546 Crest

Etruscan Lodge 546 Logo
Our crest incorporating The
Etruscan Vase and The
Stafford Knot

United Grand Lodge of England

Link to the UGLE website

Provincial Grand Lodge

Link to the PGL website
PGL Staffordshire

Royal Arch Chapter

A Royal Arch Chapter is attached to this lodge and any Master Masons of four weeks standing and upwards are eligible for proposal. Information may be obtained from the Royal Arch Representative of the Lodge who can be contacted via the Contact Secretary link on the contact menu on this website.

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